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Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash


Sorbus Americana

A small, ornamental, native, understory tree of New Brunswick. Attractive foliage composed of several small leaflets, similar to fraxinus genus though unrelated. Leaves turn yellow, orange and reddish-purple in fall. Showy, white flowers emerge in spring developing into large clusters of small orange-red berries. They remain on the tree into winter, providing an important food source for birds. Undigestable seeds are scattered far and wide in their droppings. Insect pollinated male and female flowers are on the same tree. The tree makes a great contribution to any small garden landscape.

Additional information


Native to New Brunswick, Native to North America


Small (under 30ft)




Multi Stemmed, Round

Growth Rate



Long (over 100 years)

Hardiness Zones *

2, 3, 4, 5

Sun Exposure

Full Sun (over 6 hrs), Mostly Shade (slow growth), Partial Sun (4 to 6 hrs)

Soil Preferences *

Moist, Slightly Acidic, Well Draining

Soil Tolerances

Clay, Dry, Slightly Alkaline, Wet

Ornamental Interest

Fruit, Flowers (attractive), Leaves (shape)

Wildlife Value

Bees (flowers), Birds (fruits/seeds), Insect Pollinators (flowers), Large Mammals (leaves), Small Mammals (fruits/seeds)

Seed Collection

Personally in NB

Planting Considerations

Shallow Roots