Swedish Whitebeam
Sorbus Intermedia
A highly ornamental, medium sized tree, native to northern Europe. Attractive leaves are glossy green on top with dense white wooly hairs underneath giving the tree a silvery appearance from a distance. Delicate, 5-petaled, white flowers appear in spring in compact clusters up to 10 cm. Green clusters of berries follow, turning orange or red in fall. Flowers and fruits provide food for insects and birds.
Additional information
Foliage | Deciduous |
Locale | Native to Europe |
Height | Medium (30-60ft) |
Width | Moderate |
Form | Round |
Growth Rate | Moderate |
Longevity | Moderate (50 to 100 years) |
Hardiness Zones * | 5 |
Sun Exposure | Full Sun (over 6 hrs), Partial Sun (4 to 6 hrs) |
Soil Preferences * | Moist, Slightly Acidic, Well Draining |
Soil Tolerances | Clay, Dry, Slightly Alkaline |
Other Tolerances | Urban Pollution |
Ornamental Interest | Fruit, Flowers (attractive), Leaves (colour) |
Human Value | Carpentry (wood), Fuel (wood) |
Wildlife Value | Bees (flowers), Birds (fruits/seeds), Butterflies (flowers), Insect Pollinators (flowers) |
Seed Collection | Relatives in UK |