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Maidenhair Tree

Maidenhair Tree

Maidenhair Tree


Ginkgo Biloba

An ancient species that grows naturally in China but has been extensively planted around the world including New Brunswick. It is the oldest tree species on earth, relatively unchanged for around 200 million years. A tough, pest resistant, large shade tree that has unusual and attractive fan shaped leaves. Male and female flowers appear on separate trees. Roasted nuts are edible but only in small quantities due to toxin content – a delicacy in some east Asian markets. The surrounding fruit is toxic and should never be consumed. NEVER EAT THE FRUIT OR THE RAW SEED!

Please note that sex of seed-grown trees is unknown until maturity (approx. 20 years). The fruit from female trees emits an unpleasant odour when decomposing and should be planted away from areas where humans frequent.

Additional information




Native to Asia


Large (60-100ft)





Growth Rate



Long (over 100 years)

Hardiness Zones *

4, 5

Sun Exposure

Full Sun (over 6 hrs)

Soil Preferences *

Moist, Slightly Acidic, Well Draining

Soil Tolerances

Clay, Dry, Slightly Alkaline

Other Tolerances

Occasional Drought, Road Salt, Urban Pollution

Ornamental Interest

Leaves (shape)

Human Value

Edible (seed)

Seed Collection

Ordered Online

Planting Considerations

Messy Seed Litter, Poisonous Tree Parts