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American Sycamore

American Sycamore

American Sycamore

(Buttonwood, Planetree, Buttonball Tree)

Platanus Occidentalis

A giant of a tree when grown in optimal conditions near a body of water. Native to eastern North America and a few locations in southern Ontario. Rarely planted in New Brunswick. Interesting peeling bark revealing a mottled effect of white, cream and green patches. Male and female flowers on the same tree and wind pollinated. Globular dense seed balls about 1 inch diameter on long stalks remaining on the tree over winter.

Additional information




Native to North America


Large (60-100ft)




Irregular, Pyramidal

Growth Rate



Long (over 100 years)

Hardiness Zones *

4, 5

Sun Exposure

Full Sun (over 6 hrs), Mostly Shade (slow growth), Partial Sun (4 to 6 hrs)

Soil Preferences *

Moist, Slightly Acidic, Well Draining

Soil Tolerances

Clay, Poor Draining, Slightly Alkaline, Wet

Other Tolerances

Occasional Flooding, Road Salt

Ornamental Interest

Bark, Seeds

Wildlife Value

Birds (fruits/seeds), Small Mammals (fruits/seeds)

Human Value

Carpentry (wood)

Seed Collection

Ordered Online

Planting Considerations

Messy Leaf Litter

*Useful Links

Hardiness Zones – Canada’s Hardiness Zones

Soil Preferences – Multi-Purpose Soil Tester